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Experimentation with Processing JS to develop noise-based line grids. The noise is affecting the the amplitude of each line, as well as the rotation of the grid.
Generative art

Example code
let time = 0; // Add this line at the top of your code
let amplitude;
let frequency;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1920, 1920, WEBGL);
amplitude = random(10, 30); // Change 50 and 150 to adjust the range of the amplitude
frequency = random(0.025, 0.06); // Change 0.005 and 0.015 to adjust the range of the frequency
function draw() {
let rowHeight = random(2,20); // Adjust this value to make the rows smaller
let inset = 100; // Adjust this value to increase the view area
rotateX(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
rotateY(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
for (let rowY = -height / 2 + inset; rowY <= height / 2 - inset; rowY += rowHeight) {
let colorValue = map(rowY, -height / 2 + inset, height / 2 - inset, 0, 255); // Map rowY to a range of 0 to 255
stroke(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue); // Set the color
for (let x = -width / 2 + inset; x <= width / 2 - inset; x++) {
let y = sin(x * frequency) * (amplitude + rowY * 0.01); // Change 0.1 to adjust the rate of increase
vertex(x, y + rowY);
rotateX(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
rotateY(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
for (let rowY = -height / 2 + inset; rowY <= height / 2 - inset; rowY += rowHeight) {
let colorValue = map(rowY, -height / 2 + inset, height / 2 - inset, 0, 255); // Map rowY to a range of 0 to 255
stroke(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue); // Set the color
for (let x = -width / 2 + inset; x <= width / 2 - inset; x++) {
let y = sin(x * frequency) * (amplitude + rowY * 0.5); // Change 0.1 to adjust the rate of increase
vertex(x, y + rowY);
rotateX(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
rotateY(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
// Draw the inverse mask
// Draw the inverse mask
// fill(0); // Set the color of the mask
noStroke(); // Remove the stroke
let maskSize = width / 1.75; // Define the size of the mask
rect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, (height - maskSize) / 2); // Draw the top part of the mask
rect(-width / 2, height / 2 - (height - maskSize) / 2, width, (height - maskSize) / 2); // Draw the bottom part of the mask
rect(-width / 2, -height / 2 + (height - maskSize) / 2, (width - maskSize) / 2, maskSize); // Draw the left part of the mask
rect(width / 2 - (width - maskSize) / 2, -height / 2 + (height - maskSize) / 2, (width - maskSize) / 2, maskSize); // Draw the right part of the mask