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Experimentation with Processing JS to develop noise-based line grids. The noise is affecting the the amplitude of each line, as well as the rotation of the grid.

Generative art


Cover Image for Bedsprings

Experiments with noise to create line grids which bend and rotate Experiments with noise to create line grids which bend and rotate Experiments with noise to create line grids which bend and rotate Experiments with noise to create line grids which bend and rotate Experiments with noise to create line grids which bend and rotate

Example code

let time = 0; // Add this line at the top of your code
let amplitude;
let frequency;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1920, 1920, WEBGL);
  amplitude = random(10, 30); // Change 50 and 150 to adjust the range of the amplitude
  frequency = random(0.025, 0.06); // Change 0.005 and 0.015 to adjust the range of the frequency

function draw() {
  let rowHeight = random(2,20); // Adjust this value to make the rows smaller
  let inset = 100; // Adjust this value to increase the view area
  rotateX(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
  rotateY(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
  for (let rowY = -height / 2 + inset; rowY <= height / 2 - inset; rowY += rowHeight) {
    let colorValue = map(rowY, -height / 2 + inset, height / 2 - inset, 0, 255); // Map rowY to a range of 0 to 255
    stroke(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue); // Set the color
    for (let x = -width / 2 + inset; x <= width / 2 - inset; x++) {
      let y = sin(x * frequency) * (amplitude + rowY * 0.01); // Change 0.1 to adjust the rate of increase
      vertex(x, y + rowY);
    rotateX(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
    rotateY(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
  for (let rowY = -height / 2 + inset; rowY <= height / 2 - inset; rowY += rowHeight) {
    let colorValue = map(rowY, -height / 2 + inset, height / 2 - inset, 0, 255); // Map rowY to a range of 0 to 255
    stroke(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue); // Set the color
    for (let x = -width / 2 + inset; x <= width / 2 - inset; x++) {
      let y = sin(x * frequency) * (amplitude + rowY * 0.5); // Change 0.1 to adjust the rate of increase
      vertex(x, y + rowY);
    rotateX(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
    rotateY(PI / 4); // Add this line to rotate the canvas in 3D
  // Draw the inverse mask
  // Draw the inverse mask
  // fill(0); // Set the color of the mask
  noStroke(); // Remove the stroke
  let maskSize = width / 1.75; // Define the size of the mask
  rect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, (height - maskSize) / 2); // Draw the top part of the mask
  rect(-width / 2, height / 2 - (height - maskSize) / 2, width, (height - maskSize) / 2); // Draw the bottom part of the mask
  rect(-width / 2, -height / 2 + (height - maskSize) / 2, (width - maskSize) / 2, maskSize); // Draw the left part of the mask
  rect(width / 2 - (width - maskSize) / 2, -height / 2 + (height - maskSize) / 2, (width - maskSize) / 2, maskSize); // Draw the right part of the mask